
Events Date Detail
SoundWalk with Silence (有聲無聲健步行) 28-09-2013
HKIOA Sponsorship to Inter-noise 2013 15-09-2013
HKIOA delegation visit to Shanghai 2013 22-08-2013
HKIOA - HKIA - HK PolyU Joint Seminar on Laboratory/Field Acoustic Testing for Building Elements 07-08-2013
Career Sharing Session by Senior Professionals from the Environmental & Acoustics Related Industries 19-07-2013
HKIOA Delegation Visit to Environmental Protection Bureau of Macau SAR 14-06-2013
( Reminder - 2nd Announcement ) The Joint HKIOA-PolyU One-day Symposium - Latest Trends on Innovative Building Designs for Noise Mitigation - HKIOA 20th Anniversary Seminar Series 24-05-2013
The Sound of Speech - HKIOA 20th Anniversary Seminar Series 08-04-2013
2013 Annual General Meeting - HKIOA Chairman's Report 2012-2013 06-03-2013
2013 Annual General Meeting cum HKIOA 20th Anniversary Spring Dinner - Notice 06-03-2013