HKIOA Professional Diploma

Programme Highlights and Outline
The Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics (HKIOA) in association with the supporting organizations of The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management Hong Kong Branch (CIWEM-HK), The Environmental Management Association of Hong Kong (EMAHK), Hong Kong Institute of Environmental Assessment (HKIEIA), Hong Kong Institute of Environmental Protection Officers (HKIEPO) and Hong Kong Institute of Qualified Environmental Professionals (HKIQEP) are proud to present this professional diploma course with a structured framework comprising basic acoustics, noise control concept and management to local professionals. The outlines of the courses are:

Core Module 1 - Fundamentals in Acoustics, Control and Monitoring (Total 26 Hours):

Session 1: Basic Acoustics Principle (Part 1)
Session 2: Basic Acoustics Principle (Part 2)
Session 3: Basic Acoustics Principle (Part 3)
Session 4: Noise Monitoring & Measurement (Part 1)
Session 5: Noise Monitoring & Measurement (Part 2)
Session 6: Soundscape and Modelling (Part 1)
Session 7: Soundscape and Modelling (Part 2)
Session 8: Noise Control & Ordinance (Part 1)
Session 9: Noise Control & Ordinance (Part 2)
Session 10: Noise Control & Ordinance (Part 3) Noise Pollution Sources and Impacts
Session 11: Architectural Acoustics (Part 1)
Session 12: Architectural Acoustics (Part 2)
Session 13: End of Assessment for Fundamentals in Acoustics, Control and Monitoring

Core Module 2: Environmental Noise Modelling and Practical Solution (Total 26 Hours)

Session 14: Calculation of Road Traffic Noise Methodology
Session 15: Experience and Practical Solution on Road Traffic Noise Assessment
Session 16: Railway Noise and Practical Solution (Part 1)
Session 17: Railway Noise and Practical Solution (Part 2)
Session 18: Noise Prediction Modelling (Part 1)
Session 19: Noise Prediction Modelling (Part 2)
Session 20: Construction and Industrial Noise (Part 1)
Session 21: Construction and Industrial Noise (Part 2)
Session 22: Product and Machine Noise (Part 1)
Session 23: Product and Machine Noise (Part 2)
Session 24: Hands-on Experience on Road Traffic Noise Measurement and Latest Developments in Instrumentation
Session 25: On-site Road Traffic Noise Measurement (Site Practices)
Session 26: End of Assessment for Environmental Noise Modelling and Practical Solution

The professional diploma will be organized from time to time.
Please visit our activities page to get the latest update of the schedule.