Certification Scheme for Specialization

To better enhance the standing and recognition of the professional experience of our Corporate Members, the Executive Committee has initiated the establishment of a Certification Scheme for Specialization in early 2022.  As revealed from a survey initiated by the Institute on this initiative in 2022, there was an overwhelming support on this vision and the Certification Scheme.  We deeply believe that this Certification Scheme for Specialization will better equip our Corporate Members to address the evolution of the industry and response to the associated contemporary challenges even better.

While we intend to apply this Certification Scheme to most, if not all, disciplines of Acoustics in the coming future, this Certification Scheme for Specialization will initially cover 1) Room Acoustics and 2) Environmental Noise, which most of our Corporate Members specialised in.  

A register for Specialization has been set up, which would include the list of members who have demonstrated their competency in applying their knowledge and experience in the relevant disciplines of acoustics to projects under their charge, and to the satisfaction of a Vetting Committee & the Executive Committee. The register shall be maintained and updated from time to time by the Institute. 

Updated HKIOA Specialization Member List

HKIOA Qualified Noise Modelers (HKIOA QNM)

To take another step forward in promoting the standing and recognition of some particular specialization and technical experiences of our Corporate Members, the Executive Committee has further initiated another qualification scheme “HKIOA Qualified Environmental Noise Modeller (HKIOA QNM)”. 

As the most established professional institution in HK with Members specializing on all aspects of noise, the Institute is in the best position to offer suitable qualification frameworks to better serve the development and need of the industry.  Unlike the Specialization Scheme, this HKIOA QNM scheme is targeted for recognizing the specialized skills in modelling works for various technical aspects (Note 2).

Indeed, in the Guidance Notes (Note 1) issued for the various impact assessments under the  Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO), the recent Environmental Permit Conditions, as well as the Professional Practice Note for the Planning of Residential Developments Against Road Traffic Noise (ProPECC PN4/23), they all explicitly stated that the relevant environmental noise submissions to the EPD shall be prepared and signed off by qualified environmental noise modellers.  A summary of those submissions is listed below:

•    Construction Noise Management Plan (CNMP);

•    Fixed Noise Sources Management Plan (FNMP); and

•    Road Traffic Noise Impact Assessment Report (RTNIAR) under the streamlined procedures

A register for the HKIOA QNM has been set up, which would include the list of members who have demonstrated their competency in applying their modelling skills and experience in the relevant specialization of acoustics to projects under their charge, and to the satisfaction of a Vetting Committee & the Executive Committee. The register shall be maintained and updated from time to time by the Institute.

Updated HKIOA QNM List

Note 1

GN 9/2023 - Preparation of Construction Noise Impact Assessment Under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance

GN 16/2023 - Preparation of Fixed Noise Sources Impact Assessment Under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance


Note 2

The technical aspects under the HKIOA QNM scheme include the following:


  1. Road Traffic Noise
  2. Rail Noise
  3. Industrial Noise
  4. Aircraft Noise
  5. Helicopter Noise
  6. Noise Mapping
  7. Construction Noise (other than CNP applications)