As at 30 Apr 2024, the Institute has a total of 729 members, comprising architects, engineers, government officials, academia, student and professionals from various disciplines.
- 4 Honorary Fellows
- 22 Fellows
- 316 Members (including Overseas Members)
- 129 Associate Members
- 258 Student Members
The Membership Sub-committee (SC) -is committed to recruiting students as a focus of our membership drive activities. Members, who are in a position to reach students readily, please encourage the students to join the HKIOA.
Updated HKIOA Membership List
For those who could not find their names on the list due to the issue of payment of membership subscription, please contact our Hon. Treasurer as soon as possible.
Certification Scheme for Specialisation is established in 2023 to uphold the professionalism of our members in various aspects. The member list for all specializations can be downloaded below:
Updated HKIOA Specialization Member List
Forms and Related Information
download: Application form for student/ or associate member
download: Application form for corporate/ or fellow member
download: The Code of Conduct for Members
download: The Memorandum of Articles for HKIOA Limited
download: Requirements for becoming a member of HKIOA
Application Procedures
For those who are interested to become a member of the HKIOA, please download and complete the appropriate form as required, and together with any supporting documents (e.g. copy of the certificates and testimonials etc), all in electronic format, and send them to Mr. Ken WONG, for the attention of the Chairman, Membership Sub-Committee at membership@hkioa.org for consideration. Your application will normally be acknowledged by e-mail within a few weeks. Any applicant who has not received such acknowledgement within 1 month may write to the above email address to enquire about the status of his/her application. A non-refundable fee of HK$300 is applicable to each application received on or after 1 Jan 2018, except for Student Member applications. The applicant can attach an e-cheque for the above application fee with his/her application. Alternatively, the applicant can choose to deposit the payment directly into HKIOA’s account in advance and attach an electronic copy of the bank receipt with the application. Please note that paper applications and cheques are not preferred.
An applicant for Corporate Membership (i.e. Fellow and Member) will be requested to attend an interview for assessment of his/her professional experience or contribution, for any application received on or after 1 Jan 2018.
When an application is successful, the applicant will be asked to pay the relevant Annual Membership Fee of an advanced full or a half-year, depending on the date of the application. Full year membership fee would be applicable to application received before 1st July each year and half-year membership fee for application received after that date. Membership would be renewed annually subject to full payment of the annual membership fee.
Annual membership fees and membership application fees should be made through electronic means available in the Institute’s webpage, or by e-cheque. Alternatively, the relevant fees could be paid to HKIOA’s bank account via FPSID: 106620909, and with an electronic copy of the bank receipt sent to our Hon. Treasurer at treasurer@hkioa.org, marked up with the personal references and the purposes of payment.
Membership Requirements
Every candidate for election or transfer to the class of Member of the Institute shall have attained the age of twenty-five years and received a general education approved by the Committee and either :-
- (i) have been educated in acoustics or in a discipline relevant to the practice of acoustics in a manner satisfactory to the Committee and have obtained a diploma or a degree recognized by the Committee for the purposes of this clause; and,
(ii) have had experience of at least three years in responsible work which demands a knowledge of acoustics or its application as shall satisfy the Committee, at least one year of which has been gained in Hong Kong; or
- (i) have satisfied the Committee that he/she possesses an equivalent knowledge of acoustics and cognate subjects considered appropriate by the Committee;
(ii) have had experience for not less than seven years of responsible work which demands a knowledge of acoustics or its application as shall satisfy the Committee, at least one year of which has been gained in Hong Kong
(iii) have been a Non-Corporate Member of the Institute in the class of Associate for not less than three years,
Alternatively, the Committee may consider a candidate for election to the class of Member of the Institute if the candidate has: -
(a) attained the age of thirty-five years; and
(b) has relevant experience of at least eleven years, seven of which in responsible work which demands a knowledge of acoustics or its application as shall satisfy the Committee, and at least one year of which has been gained in Hong Kong.
An applicant for election or transfer to the class of Member shall be supported by three Corporate Members of the Institute who personally know the candidate.
Every candidate for election or transfer to the class of Fellow of the Institute shall normally have attained the age of thirty-five years and in the opinion of the Committee, have made a significant contribution to acoustics or to the profession of acoustics, either locally or abroad, as shall make it desirable that he/she be a Fellow of the Institute; and,
(a) have had experience of at least seven years of responsible work in acoustics or its application which shall satisfy the Committee, at least five years of which have been gained in Hong Kong, and
(b) have the necessary qualifications for the class of Member of the Institute.
An applicant for election or transfer to the class of Fellow shall be supported by three Fellows of the Institute who personally know the candidate.
Note: Normally, in order to satisfy the educational requirements for admission to the class of Member or Fellow, the applicant should possess:
(i) a relevant degree (e.g. engineering, science, mathematics), with a full course related to noise & vibration; or
(ii) a relevant degree (e.g. engineering, science, mathematics), supplemented by a total of 40 hours training / CPD courses or seminars directly relevant to the subject of acoustics, of which at least 20 hours must be "structured" educational training (e.g. MSc, HKIOA certificate courses); or
(iii) a Higher Diploma in a relevant discipline (e.g. engineering, science, mathematics), supplemented by a total of 40 hours "structured" training directly relevant to the subject of acoustics (e.g. a top-up degree, MSc, HKIOA certificate courses provided by the Institute).
Any Fellow or Corporate Member who has been a corporate member of the Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics for 15 years or more, and has reached the age of 60, is eligible to subscribe membership annually at a concession fee of HK$200. The fee level is subjected to change and determined by the Executive Committee of the HKIOA.
Associate Members
Every candidate for election or transfer to the class of Associate Member of the Institute shall have attained the age of twenty-one years and shall have received a general education approved by the Committee and either:-
(a) have been educated in acoustics or in a discipline relevant to the practice of acoustics in a manner acceptable to the Committee and have been awarded a degree or diploma recognized by the Committee for the purpose of this clause; or,
(b) have been educated in a discipline related to acoustics and have supplemented their academic qualifications with a period, of length that shall depend on individual circumstances, spent applying their academic qualifications to acoustically-related problems.
Alternatively, the Committee may consider a candidate for election to the class of Associate Member of the Institute if the candidate has:-
(a) attained the age of thirty-five years; and
(b) has relevant experience of at least eight years, four of which in responsible work which demands a knowledge of acoustics or its application as shall satisfy the Committee, and at least one year of which has been gained in Hong Kong.
An applicant for election or transfer to the class of Associate Member shall be supported by one Corporate Member of the Institute who personally knows the candidate.
Note: Normally, in order to satisfy the educational requirements for admission to the class of Associate Member, the applicant should possess:
(i)a relevant degree (e.g. engineering, science, mathematics), with a full course related to noise & vibration; or
(ii)a relevant degree (e.g. engineering, science, mathematics), supplemented by a total of 10 hours training / CPD courses or seminars directly relevant to the subject of acoustics (e.g. a top-up degree, MSc, certificate courses provided by the Institute);
(iii)a Higher Diploma in a relevant discipline (e.g. engineering, science, mathematics), supplemented by a total of 20 hours "structured" training directly relevant to the subject of acoustics (e.g. a top-up degree, MSc, certificate courses provided by the Institute).
Student Members
An applicant for election or transfer to the class of Student shall be supported by one Corporate Member of the Institute who personally knows the candidate.
Notes about submission of documents for proving compliance with education requirements:-
For the purpose of ascertaining if a certain course or training is directly related to the subject of noise and vibration, the following topics would be expected to be one of the elements for such course or training.
(a) Vibration/dynamics
(b) Architectural Acoustics
(c) Building Acoustics
(d) Instrumentation
(e) Environmental Noise
(f) Speech and Hearing
(g) Basic Acoustics
(h) Noise Management
(i) Audio Engineering
(j) Underwater Acoustics
(k) others ( please specify )
It will speed up the assessment process if the applicant can highlight in the relevant documents (e.g. transcript) any such topic covered in the course or training.
Some courses or training offered by educational institutes may be structured or designed in a way specifically recognized by the Institute as satisfying part or all of the educational requirements for different membership classes. Membership applications based on such educational background will be assessed on a case-by-case manner.
Membership Fees
All Fees are subject to changes to be determined by the Institute. All fees are non-refundable.
Grade |
Annual Membership Fee |
Application Fee (for each application received on or after 1 Jan 2018) |
Associate Member |
HKD400 |
HKD300 |
Member |
HKD600 |
HKD300 |
Fellow |
HKD1,200 |
HKD300 |
Student Member |
Free |
Free |
- If Members pay the fee before January, then they may enjoy an Early Bird Discount.
- Half rate would be available for those Members who joined after 1st July.
- Membership Certificate: Available on request (via email to membership@hkioa.org together with the bank receipt or proof of payment) for HKD150 per copy. Relevant fees should be paid to HKIOA’s bank account (HSBC Bank in favor of Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics Limited - FPSID: 106620909), and with an electronic copy of the bank receipt sent to membership@hkioa.org, marked up with the personal references and the purposes of payment (i.e. Application of Membership Certificate).
- All Corporate Members (Fellow or Members) who have reached the age of 60 would be entitled to a flat fee concession of HK$200 for the Annual Subscription.
Sponsor Members
There is a separate class of institute membership for providing sponsorship to HKIOA and is open to firms, organizations or persons engaged in or having an interest in acoustics, and whose contribution and support can advance the aims and objectives of the Institute. Proposals for election to the class of Sponsor Member shall come to the Committee’s consideration and with the support of a Corporate Member who is acquainted with the work and interests of the applicant. Staffs of the Sponsors would gain better vision and wider exposure by joining HKIOA and take advantages of our events and activities to keep abreast of the acoustics development, but they have no voting rights.
Details of Sponsor Member are as below:
- Annual subscription of Sponsor Membership is HK$5,000. The membership is valid only if the subscription has been paid.
- Each applicant can nominate up to 2 staffs joining the activities organized by the Institute with member’s privileges and price. The nominated staffs are not necessarily being the member of the Institute. More participation may be allowed depending on the nature of the individual activity.
- The nominated staff can be replaced by other staffs through written notification(s) from the representative of Sponsor Member (firm or organization) annually. The representative could be one of the nominated staffs.
- Sponsor members will be given prior notification of any sponsorship arisen from different events and activities organized by the Institute.
- Representative of Sponsor Member will receive flyers, notifications and publications of the Institute from time to time, who may circulate the materials within the firm or organization as appropriate.
- Logo (optional and to be provided by the Sponsor Member) and name of Sponsor Member will appear in the official website of the Institute.
Application Form for Sponsor Members
Applicant will be examined by the Institute according to normal individual membership application procedures. The application shall be supported by a Corporate Member not being personally affiliated with the applicant.
Should you wish to have any further information concerning membership matters of the Institute, please contact the Chairman of Membership SC for details.
Email : membership@hkioa.org