
Events Date Detail
HKIOA Christmas Party 2015 21-12-2015
The 12th Western Pacific Acoustics Conference (WESPAC) 06-12-2015
HKIOA Seminar - Prevention of Voice Disorders : Good Practices for Healthy and Effective Voice Use 27-11-2015
Acoustics 2015 Conference - Australian Acoustical Society 15-11-2015
Sharing of EU’s Standards ISO/WI 19488 and Denmark’s Experience on Sound Insulating Open Windows 04-11-2015
第八屆海峽兩岸聲學學術交流研討會議 (2nd Announcement) 26-08-2015
VTC Short Course on Fundamental Noise Modelling 22-08-2015
InterNoise 2015 09-08-2015
HKIOA & HKPU Joint Seminar - Response of Complicated Piping System Containing Turbulant Fluids 04-08-2015
HHIOA & HKPU Joint Seminar - Tyre/ Road Noise Research in The Technical University of Gdansk 31-07-2015