Chairman's Message

Mr Henry CHAN

I am deeply honored to have been elected as the Chairman of the Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics (HKIOA). I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to our former chairman, Calvin Chiu, and the entire executive committee for their outstanding leadership and unwavering teamwork over the past two years. Their dedication has paved the way for our institute’s success.

As we reflect on our journey, last year was particularly remarkable as we celebrated our 30th anniversary. The numerous activities and events organized during that time showcased our commitment to advancing acoustics and fostering professional growth within our community.

Looking ahead, I am filled with excitement and hope. The HKIOA has always been dedicated to promoting academic exchange, providing top-notch training, and offering expert advice to government departments. I pledge to uphold these core principles during my tenure as Chairman. Over the next two years, we have ambitious plans to enhance our services for members. Here are some key initiatives:

Continuing Professional Training Courses: We will expand our offerings to ensure that our members stay at the forefront of acoustics and related fields.

Introducing Accredited Noise Professionals: By welcoming accredited professionals, we aim to diversify our expertise and elevate the HKIOA’s standing in the industry.

Revamping Digital Platforms: Our online presence will be revitalized to provide seamless access to resources, updates, and networking opportunities.

Acoustic Awards 2025: We are committed to recognizing excellence within our community by hosting the prestigious Acoustic Awards.

I am fortunate to collaborate with an exceptional executive committee. Together, we will strive to achieve these goals and propel the HKIOA to new heights. Your continuous support is invaluable, and I am eager to work alongside each of you to achieve great success in the coming years.

Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics
June 2024