HKIOA Certificate Courses
Programme Highlights and Course Outline
The Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics (HKIOA) in association with the supporting organizations of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers - Mechanical, Marine, Naval Architecture and Chemical (HKIE-MMNC) Division and BEAM Society Limited (BSL) are proud to present a series of acoustics certificate courses. These courses are aiming at provide to the local professionals with a structured frame starting from general sessions including the basic acoustics concept, noise ordinance, road traffic noise assessment and measurement. The courses also include some special sessions such as three dimensional (3D) noise assessment and modeling techniques, architectural acoustics design, railway noise measurement. The outlines of the courses are:
General Sessions: |
Session 1: |
Basic Acoustics and Instrumentation |
Session 2: |
Noise Assessment, Management and Mitigation in Hong Kong |
Session 3: |
Noise Control Ordinance |
Session 4: |
Commercial / Industrial Noise Control |
Session 5: |
Case Studies in Noise Control |
Session 6: |
Basic Road Traffic Noise Modeling Concept and Calculation of Road Traffic Noise Methodology Part 1 |
Session 7: |
Calculation of Road Traffic Noise Methodology Part 2 |
Session 8: |
Hands-on Experience on Road Traffic Noise Measurement and Latest Developments in Instrumentation |
Session 9: |
Practical Session: On-site Road Traffic Noise Measurement |
Session 10: |
Construction Noise Control |
Session 11: |
Experience and Practical Solution on Road Traffic Noise Assessment |
Special Sessions: (please note that applicants who wish to attend the following sessions should obtain certain acoustics knowledge) |
Session 12: |
Introduction to 3D Noise Assessment and Visualization Tool |
Session 13: |
Practical Application on Developing 3D Noise Modeling |
Session 14: |
Architectural Acoustics Design – Theoretical Assessment & Reference Standard |
Session 15: |
Practical Session: Design in Building related to Architectural Acoustics |
Session 16: |
Rail Noise Source Characteristics & Mitigation Measures |
Session 17: |
Railway Noise, vibration and track properties Measurement |
Assessment: |
Session 18: |
End of Course Assessment for Noise Control |
Session 19: |
End of Course Assessment for Road Traffic Noise Measurement |
Session 20: |
End of Course Assessment for Road Traffic Noise Assessment |
Session 21: |
End of Course Assessment for 3D Noise Modeling |
Session 22: |
End of Course Assessment for Architectural Acoustics Design |
Session 23: |
End of Course Assessment for Railway Noise Measurement |
Certificates, Language, Fee, Enquiry and Registration
Attendance certificates will be issued by HKIOA, HKIE-MMNC Division & BSL to the participants after each session for counting in their CPD purpose.
A Noise Control Certificate will be endorsed by HKIOA, HKIE-MMNC Division & BSL and issued to the participants who registered and attended compulsory sessions 3, 4, 5 and 10, and then successfully passing the session 18 end-of-course appraisal and assessment.
A Road Traffic Noise Measurement Certificate will be endorsed by HKIOA, HKIE-MMNC Division & BSL and issued to the participants who registered and attended compulsory sessions 1, 2, 8 and 9 and successfully passing the session 19 end-of-course appraisal and assessment.
A Road Traffic Noise Assessment Certificate will be endorsed by HKIOA, HKIE-MMNC Division & BSL and issued to the participants who registered and attended compulsory sessions 6, 7 and 11, and then successfully passing the session 20 end-of-course appraisal and assessment.
A 3D Modeling Analysis Certificate will be endorsed by HKIOA, HKIE-MMNC Division & BSL and issued to the participants who registered and attended compulsory sessions 12 and 13 and successfully passing the session 21 end-of-course appraisal and assessment.
An Architectural Acoustics Design Certificate will be endorsed by HKIOA, HKIE-MMNC Division & BSL and issued to the participants who registered and attended compulsory sessions 14 and 15 and successfully passing the session 22 end-of-course appraisal and assessment.
A Railway Noise Measurement Certificate will be endorsed by HKIOA, HKIE-MMNC Division & BSL and issued to the participants who registered and attended compulsory sessions 16 and 17 and successfully passing the session 23 end-of-course appraisal and assessment.
The Certificates will be recognized as HKIOA, HKIE & BSL continuous professional development.
The certificate course will be held yearly, and details including the fees, time and venues, will be announced when they are fixed. Please visit the Activity web page for full details.
Note: the certificates of end-of-course assessment will be considered to fulfill the academic requirement of HKIOA membership application