
Technical Seminar - Acoustic Box-in-Box Design and Systems Construction

7-9-2023 Download

Dear Members,


The HKIOA is organizing a technical seminar on Acoustic Box-in-Box Design and Systems Construction.

The seminar is held physically and the information is as follows: 

Date: 7 Sept 2023 

Time: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Venue: Room HJ305, 3/F, Stanley Ho Building (HJ), PolyU, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Medium: English

Fee: Free of charge. Priority to HKIOA Members, PolyU Students and Staff

The seminar will cover various topics related to acoustic box-in-box systems, including the basics of sound transmission, sound quality control and the key components of an acoustic box-in-box system. It will offer an opportunity to learn the latest advancements and breakthroughs in acoustic products. Attendees will understand the complexity of the system and the challenge in actual application.

Interested members, please complete the online registration by 25 August 2023 (Friday) via

For more information, please refer to the attached flyer.


I look forward to seeing you in the seminar.


Best regards,
