
Technical Visit to Macau

15-9-2023 Download

Dear members,

HKIOA is delighted to invite you to join us on a half day visit to Macau on 15 September 2023 (Friday).  This will give you the excellent opportunity to explore the advanced Macau Light Rapid Transit (MLRT) 澳門輕軌系統 (Portuguese: Metro Ligeiro de Macau, MLM) and the new Galaxy International Convention Center (GICC).

Tentative Rundown on 15 September 2023:



1330 hours

Gather and lunch at Laurel Restaurant (丹桂軒) in Macau Galaxy

1430 hours

Briefing on the MLRT by Dr Kelvin Tsui

1530 hours

Ride on the MLRT

1600 hours

Guided Visit to GICC by Mr Fred Chan and Representative(s) from GEG

1800 hours

Disband at GICC

*HKIOA reserves the right to make any amendments to the arrangement without further notice as necessary.  Participants shall not leave the group during the visit including lunch time.


The participation fee for HKIOA members is HK$100, and non-members it is HK$500 respectively.  The payment is not refundable.  Priority will be given to HKIOA members for participation.  Please note that participants should arrange their own transportation between Hong Kong and Macau including arriving at the gathering point - Laurel Restaurant in Macau Galaxy.  

The visit is limited to 40 persons.  The application deadline is 6:00pm on 26 July 2023.  The successful candidates will be notified separately on a first-come, first-serve basis, i.e., upon HKIOA having received the completed application with payment receipt record.  An electronic CPD certificate of 5 hours will be granted via email to the participants after the visit.

Interested members please refer to the attached flyer for more details and registration link.


Best regards,
