
Events Date Detail
Meyer Poon Award Seminar 2009 18-08-2009
Effective Noise Control Policies for Metropolis 23-07-2009
Building Acoustics - Seminar 1 02-07-2009
Birds to Bells, Toads to Car Horns 14-05-2009
Managing the Outdoor Acoustic Environment 26-02-2009
MMNC confrence 24-04-2009
噪聲控制與聲學設計暨配套裝備研討交流會 邀請函 (Invitation letter) 04-12-2008
Shaw Studio site visit 08-11-2008
Seminar - Attentive filtering in the brain and the electronic 14-10-2008
Meyer Poon Memorial Award Seminar 2008 29-09-2008